Hello there!

My name is Tanya M. Lewis-Jones and you have stumbled upon (or intentionally found yourself here to meet class requirements – smile!). Either way, welcome!

I am a married mom of two daughters. My husband, R, is a mechanical engineer at a local governmental contracting agency as well as a local musician. My oldest daughter, Ti, is a recent college graduate who is living and working in Boston, MA at a venture capital firm. My youngest daughter, N, is a 12 year old eighth grader who is preparing for high school. She, like her father, is a musician who has performed at various functions in our town.

I am a technology teacher/librarian at a local charter school. I also facilitate courses at the University of Phoenix. We are active members of a local Baptist church, where I assist with financing scholarship programs for our students and I also work with our youngsters.

I am a newly minted graduate student in the online PhD CISL program at University of Buffalo. Having last attending graduate school in 2006, I am a bit nervous about re-entering the world of academia, especially after all these years but also thrilled to have the opportunity to pursue my educational goals.